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Chemicals like permanent hair dyes and bleaching agents can damage the hair by stripping away the protective layer of sebum that naturally coats the scalp and strands. Over-styling can also cause significant damage by pulling on the hair and causing breakage at the roots. Intense heat from curling and hair straighteners can also leave your hair dry and brittle, leading to split ends and dullness. The strands may become dry from too much sun and heat, which increases their susceptibility to damage from other elements of the environment. These are just a few of the most common causes of damage.
The first step in treating damaged hair is to assess the extent of the problem and determine the cause behind it. Then, you can take steps to address any issues and prevent further damage from occurring. In severe cases, you may need to see a doctor to fix the damage that long-term use of chemicals or too much heat styling has done to your hair. You should also visit a stylist for a professional haircut to help get rid of split ends and improve the overall condition of your hair. Products that protect hair from heat and conditioners that add moisture can also help keep hair healthy and stop more damage from happening. Regular trims will also help to keep your hair healthy and looking its best.
There are two main causes behind damaged hair: environmental damage and chemical damage. Things like excessive sun exposure or heat styling can over time dry out and harm the hair shaft, resulting in environmental damage. Repeated use of permanent hair colour and bleaches, which remove the natural protective barrier of oils on the scalp and strands, can result in chemical damage. Other factors that can lead to chemical damage include harsh shampoos, dyes, or perms.
Depending on the kind of damage you have taken, you might not be able to fix it all. However, this does not mean you will never be able to repair your hair and restore it to its former glory. A mild case of damaged hair can often be repaired with gentle hair care treatments and a trim. Those with more severe damage to their hair may need to visit a stylist for a full cut and style to restore it to its original condition. The best way to determine whether or not you will be able to restore your hair is to consult with a stylist to determine the best course of action to take.