Whether you are worried about the health of your hair from too much colouring or excessive use of heat styling tools, it is always recommended that you use a hair mask regularly. They are godsend tools when it comes to hair care. Hair masks are designed to give your hair a concentrated amount of nourishment. They are left on your hair for a few minutes to ensure complete absorption. But have you ever used hair masks and seen no change in your hair? Or did your hair feel weighed down after using the cover? Even the regular hair mask users can stumble onto common mistakes… but you don’t have to!
Take note of these top five major rules when using a hair mask at home:
Frequency of Using Hair Mask
Your hair needs TLC. And there is no better hair care product for that than hair masks. Set aside time once a week (for regular hair types) or twice weekly (for damaged hair) to get a hair mask treatment. This will ensure that your hair is fed with the essential nutrients it needs to stay nourished and healthy. At the same time, it can speed up the repair process for highly damaged hair.
Read Instructions Carefully
Do not assume that all hair masks you use follow the same procedure. There are different types of hair masks based on your hair type.
Keep Your Hair Clean
In case you didn’t know, ensure your hair is clean before applying a hair mask! When you skip washing your hair, adding the show will make your hair exceedingly weighed down. And that is not your goal here!
Stay Away from the Roots
Just like conditioners, you should keep your hair mask concentrated on the ends, which are the most dry and less nourished part of the hair. Avoid applying a hair mask to the roots at all costs! There is also no need for the roots to get nourishment, as they are closest to the scalp and therefore get the most nutrients.
Distribution is Key
Please make the most of every hair mask you use by making sure that it reaches every bit of strand in your hair. Use a comb to distribute the masking formula throughout your hair evenly. Please focus on the ends, as this part of the hair does not get all the nourishment it needs.
Best Hair Masks
Now that you know the proper way to use a hair mask, it is time to shop for the best hair masks available in the market right now:
Kevin.Murphy Angel.Masque: Best for fine hair or damaged from chemical or colour treatment.
O&M The Power Base Protein Masque: Best for damaged hair that lacks nourishment as it infuses hair with essential protein.
Which of these hair mask rules are you guilty of breaking too often?