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Face Tanning 101: Rules to Follow When Tanning

Face tanning is a new beauty procedure that is only gaining popularity as of late. If you want to achieve that gorgeous sun-kissed glow to your tan, don’t forget about your face and neck, too. Use this guide to learn more about how to do it right and how to choose the best tanning product for your face.

Face Tanning 101: Rules to Follow When Tanning

When using a product for the first time, you want to test that product to other parts of your body first before trying it on your face. Since your face is the first thing that people notice about you, it goes without saying that you need to be extremely cautious about the products you use on your face.

When it comes to face tanning, your concerns are legitimate. There are not a lot of face tanning products in the market and there is always the danger that you could do it wrong and the result would be disastrous. In your quest to get the perfect tan, it is important to master the rules of face tanning so you can put your best face forward.

Face Tanning 101: Rules to Follow When Tanning

Shop tanning products here!

You’re in luck – one of the world’s top tanning brands – Loving Tan – has launched their new Face Tan range. This means that the tanning formula was designed and developed specifically to match the face on your skin. You won’t have to worry if the tanning product you use is safe to use on your face because these products are designed specifically for that purpose.

Face Tanning Rules to Live By

Step 1: Use a gentle facial scrub to exfoliate your skin. As with tanning your body, exfoliation is an important first step before you use any tanning product.

Step 2: Apply a thin layer of facial moisturiser. Do not forget your brows or hairline. This will prevent those visible lines during tanning.

Face Tanning 101: Rules to Follow When Tanning

Related: Spring Tanning Done the Right Way

Step 3: For blondes, wear a hair net to protect your hair strands.

Step 4: Use a synthetic haired brush to apply the Face Tan product to your face. Use sparingly and apply it in a circular, blending motion. Use one application at first until you find a formula that works for you.

Step 5: You can try to build colour on your tan over a span of a few days, rather than opting for a deep tan on your first application. Gradually layer the colour so it appears more natural.

Bonus Tip: If you use other products such as foundation on your face, you might notice that your tan will fade much quicker on your face than other parts of your body. This is one more reason to gradually tan your face over a few days so you can maintain your face tanning results.

Have you tried face tanning before? If yes, what other tips can you suggest to achieve more stunning results? Comment your answers below or tweet us!

Abigail is a travel enthusiast who enjoys trying new foodie destinations. She graduated with a degree in Creative Writing and has worked as a web content writer since 2010. She enjoys writing about travel, lifestyle, beauty, hair care, and wellness.