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How to Make Gray Hair Look Chic

A lot of women who style their hair in the salon have one goal in mind – look younger. But when hair colour starts to gray, it can be difficult to deal with. How do you cope with that? Most women cover their gray hair by opting for another hair colour to mask that.

Over a shoulder

But things have changed tremendously. More women are embracing gray hair these days – even celebrities! If you are struggling with dealing with the reality of having gray hair, here are some tips you should consider:

Cut Hair Shorter

If you want to make gray hair look edgy (instead of making it age you), you should opt for a short haircut (think of Jamie Lee Curtis). The longer your hair is, the more straggly it will look. And this is not a flattering look for anyone (gray hair or not). Another incentive to keeping your hair short is the low maintenance and minimal upkeep required.

Choose Products Wisely

If you have decided to embrace gray hair, you need to be able to care for it. Choose products that are specifically created for gray hair to make maintenance easier. When shopping for a new shampoo, pick ones that enhance the blue tint of the hair, not hide it. You will end up with hair that has a silver finish to it and that looks healthier and more vibrant.

Do Not Overheat

Heat styling has its own set of drawbacks, which is why heat protection products were made. But in the case of gray hair, you need to be extra cautious. Gray hair has the tendency to become more dry and brittle than other types of hair. Exposing it to heat regularly can cause the texture to become coarse and wiry. It is also recommended that you undergo deep conditioning treatment on a regular basis to aid in the process of keeping your gray hair look shiny and healthy.

Get a Gloss

woman with grey hair

Visit the salon every 6 weeks or so to undergo violet-based gloss. This treatment coats the hair and make it look glossy. However, you are not aiming for a super glossy finish – just a healthy glow.

Add in Some Colour

Because gray hair can too light of a hair colour, it is easy for your whole look to appear washed out. Hence, do not be afraid to add in some colour through choosing bold lipstick colour (red, maybe) or through your wardrobe. This will help create a balance in your look.

How do you deal with graying hair?

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