There are different forms that exhibit weak hair. Some might be easily noticeable, others aren’t as noticeable. Therefore, it is important to perform regular diagnosis on your hair to determine if your hair is weak or not. Weak hair can also be a cause for medical concern. Hence, you should not dismiss the signs and pay close attention to it.
How to Tell if You Have Weak Hair

There are several characteristics that define weak hair. The most common signs include limp, thin, or falling out hair. When you have split ends, excessively oily or dry hair, all of these signs point to your hair being weak. Several lifestyle factors can contribute to weak hair so if you are taking birth control pills or some types of medication, then you need to pay attention to how it affects your hair.
On average, humans lose 150 strands of hair per day. Hair loss is not the same as hair breakage. Hair that breaks off from the mid-strand or ends can be a sign of weak hair, rather than hair that comes off from the scalp with the bulb attached to it.
How to Boost Strength to Hair
If you want to boost strength, here are some of the steps you can take to boost strength:
Use the right products. In order to reverse the signs of weak hair, you need to use the right hair care products to re-hydrate and re-nourish the strands from within. When shopping for hair products, look for ones with the following ingredients: amino acids and protein. When conditioning your hair to reinforce strength, wrap head in a shower cap or towel and leave it on longer. This will allow the nutritive properties to penetrate deeper into the follicles. You can also do the same when using a deep conditioning treatment or protein mask.

Weak hair hates heat. Excessive use of heat is one of the main contributors to weakening the hair strands. Therefore, stop or reduce use of heat styling tools if you want to reinforce strength into your strands. Do not fight the natural texture of your hair. Work with your natural hair texture when styling so you are not compelled to use heat to style it.

Get enough water. Water is needed by the body to function. But it can also be a crucial element to maintaining the strength of your hair. When your hair is properly hydrated, your hair is stronger and more resilient to damage. Make sure you drink the recommended dosage of water per day.

How do you restore strength in weak hair?