Nothing reminds you best of summer than a sun-kissed glow to your skin. Aside from getting that fake glow to your skin, opting for tanning from a tube is preferred these days as research shows the potential damage you can cause to your skin with sunbathing (due to excessive exposure to the sun’s UV rays). Nonetheless, tanning has been a tricky subject for a lot of women – you would not want to end up looking orange, would you? We’ve gathered a few essential tips from Fake Bake Australia to help you achieve that bronzed glow for a streak-free tan from head to toe:

This trick is beneficial in two ways: 1) to ensure that your skin from head to toe are tanned properly, and 2) to make sure that the tan is even all throughout. There is nothing worse than an uneven tan to give away that you had a fake tan, which defeats the purpose of tanning in the first place. Once you have mapped out the different parts of your body, it should be easy for you to work on each section at a time and do so in an organized manner. Use a tanning applicator mitt to ensure even distribution throughout your body.

This is one aspect of self-tanning that a lot of women get wrong. The main reason why shaving 24 hours before or after tanning is ill-advised is due to the high risk of clogging hair follicles. You would not want to see orange dots on your skin after tanning, would you? Another important reason why shaving is not recommended is the possibility of irritating your skin.

This is one of the trickiest parts about tanning – finding the right tanning lotion or spray tan to suit your natural skin tone. A slight miscalculation can end up looking disastrous! Here are some guidelines to keep in mind so that the same won’t happen to you:
* Always do a patch test of a self tanning lotion before you apply it to your entire body.
* If you have pale skin, avoid using orange-based formulas because it will look unnatural even when properly blended to your skin.
* Always use a gradual self-tanner before you get into the actual full body tan. This will give your skin enough time to absorb the formula slowly and ensure that the tanning effect appears natural.
* If you have warm skin tone, then you can get away with almost any self tanning formula. However, spot testing is still recommended.

This is a must when you want to get rid of every bit of residue from the tanning product on your skin. Exfoliating ensures that you can get deep into the layers of your skin. Just as exfoliating your skin is important pre-tanning, it is also just as important post-tanning.

Aside from not showering several hours after you tan your skin, you should limit any activity that encourages sweating. This is an obvious tip if you want to make your fake tan last. If you sweat, it will cause your tan to run down or create some streaks (and this could be unsightly). You can add a dab of powder on your skin when you begin to sweat to stop it from happening.
What other tanning tips have we missed? Be sure to share your thoughts below!