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New Year… New Beauty Resolutions!

The tradition of New Year’s resolution has been around for a long time. Even though several people have sworn it off (since they never get to fulfil most of them anyways), a few others continue to make one as they welcome a new year. A resolution is good to keep if you want to make some changes to your habits, or adapt something new.

When it comes to your hair and beauty routine, however, there are some resolutions you ought to make to ensure that you can keep your hair or skin healthy and looking beautiful at the same time.

For the Skin

Moisturise Skin Post-Shower

This is true especially if you love taking hot showers. The heat from the water can strip off the natural oils from your skin, leaving it feeling dry and dull. Hence, proper moisturisation is vital to ensure that you can keep your skin supple and healthy. You can use a shower creme or a moisturising body lotion to provide the hydration for your skin.

Give Your Skin Proper Cleansing

Beautiful woman washing her face - isolated on white

Aside from moisturising your skin, make it a habit to cleanse your skin to keep it healthy and nourished. Gentle cleansing is the key word here. You want to remove bacteria and dirt from your skin. However, refrain from over-cleansing as it can also cause your skin to become dry. Choose a cleansing formula with the right pH level for gentle but effective exfoliation.

Don’t Miss the Sunscreen

Beautiful woman using sunscreen

Most people think that it is necessary only during summer time when the heat is highly evident. However, make it a daily habit to wear sunscreen (at least SPF 30) to ensure that your skin is protected against UV damage. But the biggest dilemma that we face is in choosing the right sunscreen formula that provides enough protection without feeling too greasy. Regardless, though, it is not reason enough to skip it altogether. If you haven’t been adapting this habit yet, it is time to get started this 2015.

Remove Makeup Before Sleep

Beautiful brunette woman removing makeup from her face

Are you guilty of leaving your makeup on as you sleep? Did you know that you are putting your skin at risk of damage? Therefore it is of utmost essential to remove makeup from your skin before you hit the bed. You would not want to trap dirt, chemicals and free radicals in your skin that can contribute to faster skin aging.

For the Hair

Clean Your Hair Brushes Regularly

Hair brushes, hairdryer and cosmetic bottles in beauty salon

You invest a lot of money on buying hair care and styling products to preserve the health and beauty of your hair. And yet you neglect caring for the most basic items like your hair brush, which you use on your hair regularly. Dirt and hair product residues can get stuck on your hair brush, which will then be transferred onto your hair and scalp. Make sure this does not happen by hair combs to clean your hairbrush regularly.

Throw Old Hair Products

You go through your groceries each week, tossing out old items you no longer use to replenish them with new ones. You ought to do the same with your hair products, too. You would not want to risk exposing your hair to damaged chemicals or formulas as it can cause more damage. Even if the product isn’t damaged yet, it probably won’t bring in any benefits or effects either.

Get a Lot of Beauty Sleep

young beautiful woman sleeping on bed in bedroom

No, this isn’t a myth. Getting enough sleep provides plenty of benefits to your hair. There are also scientific studies that show evidence to the link between lack of sleep and hair loss.

Regular Hair Masque

A hair mask treatment provides several wonderful benefits to your hair such as providing nourishment from within and making it look shiny on the outside. You can also use a variety of homemade recipes depending on your hair problem or texture.

What is your hair or beauty resolution for 2015?

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